Test: Choose an entrance that scares you the most and that you would never enter and find out your biggest fear!


Joseph Campbell, an American writer and historian, once said: “The cave in which you are afraid to enter stores the treasures that you seek.”

Quickly look at the entrance photos. Which entrance you would scares you the most and you would never enter?

Entrance №1

If you chose this door, then deep within you is the fear of loneliness. Whatever the reason for this fear – a difficult childhood or a difficult separation – it’s important for you to understand and accept this trait of your personality. Only by making friends with your fear, you can begin to live a full life. Besides the revealed phobia, you are a very intelligent person who is able to reason.

Entrance №2

Your main fear is to be buried alive or sudden death. Most of all you want to live forever, but to make your desire at least partially realized, you need to take better care of yourself. Now you are rather careless about your own health. Change your attitude towards yourself, value yourself and put yourself first, and not someone else.

Entrance №3

The thing you are most scared of in your life of sadness and loneliness. For this reason you drive away people from you, which, in fact, leads you to your biggest fear. It’s a weird paradox, which drives you into an abyss of sadness and loneliness. Reconsider your attitude towards your fear. By pulling yourself together, you will be able to curb it. You have the power to get yourself out of this fear.

Entrance №4

Your main fear is to be left homeless. Home for you is a real fortress and you are ready to fight for comfort and peace until the very end. Ironically, there are people who interfere with your quiet life. Try not to submit to their tricks, keep your patience and stand on your own. Remember that you are the creator of your own happiness.

Entrance №5

You are very clever, but a closed person. Most of all, you lack clarity in life. Sometimes you feel like you are living in a fog. Try to live more consciously. Don’t think about yesterday, think about tomorrow, but concentrate on the current moment. By practicing this approach, you will notice that life will improve, and most importantly – it will become clearer!

Entrance №6

Most of all you suffer from the lack of comfort in your life. Despite the fact that by nature you are a leader, you often experience a breakdown. Your work literally drains the energy out of you. This is understandable, so your task is to not forget about yourself, to rest and relax more and instead of focusing all your energy on work, direct it towards your loved ones and your hobbies.

Which entrance scared you the most? Tell us in the comments! If you liked this test, share it with your friends!