Oscars: Two Accountants Involved in Best Picture Blunder Fired From Working on the Show Ever Again

The president of the film academy says the two accountants responsible for the best-picture flub at Sunday’s Academy Awards will never return to the Oscar show. Cheryl Boone Isaacs tells The Associated Press that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ relationship with PwC, the accounting firm responsible for […]

‘Batman v Superman,’ ‘Hillary’s America’ win Razzies ‘worst’ films

It was Batman v Superman versus Hillary’s America at the 2017 Golden Raspberry Awards, a.k.a. The Razzies. The winners, highlighting the “cinematic sludge” of the past year, were announced the day before the Oscars wherein both films were “awarded” four titles. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, directed by Man of Steel‘s Zack […]