Take a deep breath and calmly look at the pictures of these cards for a brief moment. Which one of these are you drawn to the most? Scroll down to read the messages each one reveals.

1. You have a maternal side to you that naturally cares for those in need, yet this must be balanced with receptivity or the flow is blocked. Receiving is the essence of feminine energy, and it means allowing yourself to receive with grace and gratitude.

If you feel guilty when asking others for help, or if you feel bad about receiving gifts, then you block your feminine energy. Your receptivity is must as natural as your nurturing, giving energy. Receptivity allows you to better hear the voices of the angels.

When you receive, you have more resources to give to others. Begin by noticing the hundreds of gifts you receive each day, whether it is seeing beauty in nature, witnessing a touching human moment, or being hugged by a loved one. Simply say “Thank you” for each gift, and know that they are filling up your store house, keeping the Divine flow going strong.


2. You have received this card because the angels of Harmony have heard your prayers for assistance. There are times in your life when you can feel out of balance due to the stresses and demands you are experiencing daily, which can challenge all of your relationships.

This can create disharmony within yourself and with those around you. Your Angel of Harmony wants you to feel at peace through knowing that she is trying to resolve any disharmony you are experiencing with friends, loved ones and co-workers. During this time of disharmony, acknowledge that the Angels of Harmony are assisting you from the spirit world to feel and see a positive outcome.

The Angels of Harmony are also healing any disharmony you may be feeling within yourself. It is important to remember that there are times when your natural balance is disturbed through issues that are no fault of your own. Challenges can occur when important changes happen in life and this can put you in a state of disharmony because you do not know what the outcome will be. Only think of positive thoughts at this time. Try to feel relaxed in the knowledge that positive balance and harmony you wish to rediscover in your life is not far away. Be patient and let the Angels of Harmony take care of the rest.


3. As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love. This pick signifies that you are healing some old emotional pain – the first thing that comes to mind is exactly the issue you are resolving.

As you let go of anger, guilt, or other emotional wounds, you awaken a new level of power within yourself that attracts everything you desire…and more. Call upon the fairies, as well as supportive people or professionals, to help you through this time of healing. Know that you are lovable and that you deserve a happy heart.”



4. This pick indicates the end of a karmic lesson or cycle where you have successfully cleared a contract or debt from your past. This could refer to a challenging situation you have recently conquered in your life or a troubling experience with an individual that involved a great deal of effort or pain. Even though there are ongoing lessons to confront throughout the course of your life, you will never have to experience this particular lesson again.

This also represents the “Wheel of fortune,” where whatever goes up must also come down. Just as the tides are constantly ebbing and flowing, you are being encouraged to adapt to both the highs and low in your life. For it is in your ability to adapt that you will make your dreams come true. By stating “This too shall pass” in the face of each and every experience, you will remain centered, grounded, and stable. In order to better your current situation, you a being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that have cleared you of a karmic debt from your past.

So pat yourself on the back and acknowledge your efforts and achievements. By continuing to face your challenges head-on and treating others with love and respect, you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Affirmation: I clear debts from my past and create a happy, harmonious life.


5. Amidst the rapid pace and daily demands of life, taking time to indulge in Pure pleasure is rarely included on our to do list – or it is the first to be removed once we get busy. When was the last time you did something just because it made you feel good?

Now is the time to allow your senses to genuinely engage with more of the simple and profound pleasures of life. Prepare a special meal and savor each of the flavours and textures. Immerse yourself in the sounds of the natural world. Watch children or animals at play – and join them! Pamper yourself or cuddle a loved one.

Take the time to walk along the beach or through the trees. If you feel guilty enjoying pleasure for yourself, take a breath and Sense where this feeling stems from. Remind yourself – life is meant to be enjoyed, if we never allow pleasure, we can become numb and forget how to feel. We become Snappy like the crocodile, lashing out from this unfulfilled space Within. If we over – indulge, always looking outside of ourselves for something to feed our sensual desires, in time our surface pleasures lose their appeal or can even become unhealthy addictions.

Sensations are most pleasurable in balance. By allowing yourself to engage your senses in things you find pleasurable, you connect with the very Essence of life. Joy and pleasure are fundamental ingredients to happy life!


6. Awaken the child within you and remind yourself of the beautiful and simple things in life. By guiding you to this card, the angels are confirming that you are on the right path. They ask you to keep focused on your dreams and to honour your inner child by doing more of that which brings joy to your life. Even though you may be experiencing some setbacks, you are urged to continue to follow your heart. Do not give up hope, for all to fall into place soon. Ask your angels to light your path and guide you in all you do. When you see a rainbow its healing vibrations will inspire you to pursue your dreams.



7. Sometimes we get stuck on the treadmill of trying to get somewhere or be someone based on external pressures and expectations. We get stuck in our daily life routines so long that we forget what we are passionate about. We put aside things would really love to do with the justification that once we do x (get this job, achieve that goal, earn that accolade), then we will have the freedom and power to do what we really want to do. What if you knew that your greatest point of power to truly live the life you came to live, was resting in the very centre of that which you love the most?

It’s time to give yourself permission to do more of the things that truly make you come alive. To remember what used to make you throw back the sheets in the morning and leap into the day – and to find a way to re -ignite that energy in your life now. What brings a spark to your eyes and lightness to your step? What fills your body with such excitement that it opens a smile deep in your soul?

It is true that love has the power to heal all wounds and opens all doors, but it is our passion that allow us to leap through to the other side. When we Immerse ourselves in what we really love, we awaken a part of ourselves that is connected to the very pulse of life and everything just seems to flow. It’s like our soul takes over and we feel invigorated with a powerful desire and drive. We get swept up, letting go of time, worries and any restrictions.

We come away feeling rejuvenated and connected to an energy that washes over into all other areas of life. By engaging in our passion, we become the energy of passion, transferable and highly contagious wherever we go. Find ways to re – ignite your daily life with things that you are passionate about, and the energy of your Inner Light will begin to lead you on a bright and bold new path of expression in the world. Follow the pulse of your passion!


8. A deep transformation is taking place in your life. You have managed to reconcile issues from your past and as a result, your true nature is now beginning to emerge. This card is here to encourage you to continue on your spiritual journey and to continue to be yourself. You have much to offer the world by just being you. Love is magical, for it has the power to transform all things.


The love you hold has the power to touch not only those around you, but the whole world. In becoming aware of your own beauty, you are not only empowering yourself, but you also help to mirror beauty in others. This card is connected to Nature and the healing power and beauty that She radiates. Nowhere is it easier to feel the magic of the Universe than in Nature. Nature exudes peace, love and tranquility that touch the heart. She reflects the love that we have inside of ourselves. Regularly set aside some time to surround yourself with Nature. Her magical powers will help to reflect the magic within you. The coming weeks and months will bring healing into your life.


As your spiritual awareness deepens, so too will the awareness of all that you are, expand and deepen. This will have a magical effect on your life that will be felt not only by you but by all those around you. A time of transformation, of magic and beauty is about to unfold in your life. Butterflies are a powerful symbol for you at present; symbolic of the transformation that awaits you. Over the coming weeks, take heart every time a butterfly flutters into your field of vision, for it confirms the wondrous progress you are making.



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