Look at these 4 colorful cards and let your intuition choose your favorite. Please don’t choose to choose, choose the letter that appeals the most to you, because it has a great message for you.

The Zen Magazine Experts have done incredible job at predicting your future and simply by choosing one of this 4 beautiful cards you will receive a powerful message that might change your life for the better.

Next, discover the message that this card has for this moment of your life.

Card 1

 A Message to Believe and Create:

This card reaches your life today to remind you that with each of your actions you are building your reality.

It is possible that at some point you may have doubts about the ability to materialize your dreams, but when in doubt remember that you are an enthusiastic, passionate, courageous person and that it’s in your very nature to achieve goals.

It is time to believe and create; define your purposes, visualize your goals and take your first step towards your dreams now. It is not necessary that you see the complete path, or that you know exactly what you have to do, it is only necessary that you take the first step with faith, that you maintain a positive attitude that allows you to be happy and grow and the rest of the way will go appearing as you walk. It’s your time!


Card 2.

A Message to Live right Here and right Now:

When you feel sadness it is because somehow you are clinging to memories of the past and when you feel anxiety is because you spend a lot of time thinking about the future.

Remember that the past and the future are nothing more than mental projections of what has once happened or what you expect it to happen in the future and that the only thing that really exists and belongs to you is the here and now, which is where life really happens.

This card comes today to your life to tell you that maybe you can’t change the past, because what happened simply happened, but you can always do something to improve your present and move forward towards a happier future. It’s your moment to release and thank the past because it built your foundations, treasure each of the lessons learned and understand that you are in the present and now is your time to shine.

Everything you do today with love and enthusiasm will manifest naturally in your tomorrow. Each of your actions in the present are seeds that will sprout naturally tomorrow and take you to a journey of joy and happiness.


Card 3

A Message to Believe in your Talent and your Desire for Success!

You are known for being a person who knows that commitment and the desire to succeed are fundamental to build the life of your dreams and for this reason you always put all your soul, commitment and heart in everything you do.

Your main challenge is to be patient and learn to flow with life, because it is likely that sometimes you are a little anxious and questions the natural rhythm of things. Remember that life is perfect and has its own time.

If you give everything out of yourself in your life, you will always see positive results, so go ahead, work with love and courage and trust that everything good is about to come, just bide your time and your moment to shine and show your amazing talent will arrive.


Card 4

A Message for Kindness and Balance

Remember how the universe works: every act you do will bring you a consequence. So whatever you do, do it with love to receive all the happiness that you deserve in your life

You are a person who always gives a lot because it is something that is in your nature, but it is time that you also learn to receive. Let yourself be loved and let life give you everything you deserve. You are worthy of good things, so start believing that everything good will start arriving into your life.

Every quality you possess serves a valuable purpose in your life. Accepting and loving the negatives and positives equally leads to wholeness and balance and through this you are better able to see and grasp the opportunities that life constantly presents.


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