December has always been considered a special time of the year, and for most of us, it usually feels absolutely magnificent. This december is no exception! It is truly a time filled with purpose and divine energy!
It is important to use the autumn energy correctly and everything you need will turn out as it should. In order to know what you must to do achieve this, first take a look at these three tarot cards and choose the one you like the most.
1. “The 1 of Wands”
Changes literally knock at your door! Don’t be afraid of them, they will all lead you only to better things in life, even if at first you might not be convinced it’s the right step to take. Do not let fear restrain you and act boldly!
You are a person inclined to sacrifice everything for the sake of others, but sometimes it’s worth thinking about yourself. You need to value yourself more in order to achieve all the things you’ve set off to do.
This card serves as confirmation that you are definitely on the right path, so surrender yourself to the changes that are occurring, and you’ll be led to where you need to be. Spend quiet time alone to connect with your inner guidance, for in the silence, you will be given the next logical step to take.
In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are leading you toward a time of endings and completion. So let go of what no longer serves you, spread your wings, and trust in the Divine to show you the way.
2. “The 2 of Swords”
This card speaks for itself! Pay attention to your soul mate, if you have one, spend more time together, you inspire each other. Together you will overcome everything and receive the highest rewards.
If you are single, look carefully, the future is preparing you a surprise- be careful not to miss it, it might be a very special surprise.
In the near future your road intersects with a lot of people, take a chance, interact with them, make some friends and you might even find a special person with whom you can spend an eternity with.
In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are leading you toward a time of significant growth and improvement.
As you improve yourself, you improve your quality of life. As you raise your awareness, you align yourself with Source. This is all you need to make your dreams come true.
3 “The Knight of Coins”
You need to make some important decision for a long time and the time to make that decision has come. You are a very versatile person, so it might be difficult for you to choose from several options and make the right decision.
My advice to you is to not to listen to other people’s advice! Listen to your soul, she will tell you the right choice.
Your soul is very sensitive, it never makes mistakes. You just need to listen to it more often.
This is a time to clarify your goals, and to plan and prioritize your ideas and actions. Then take the mental, emotional, and physical action needed to make your dreams come true.
You are being encouraged to rein in any thoughts and emotions that are contrary to what you’re trying to attract. Rather than letting your doubts and worries consume you, you must have the strength and willpower to focus predominantly on your dreams. You can attain those goals with a strong, disciplined mind when you surrender the outcome to the Divine.
In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life—cycles that are encouraging you to be motivated and strong. This is where you need to play your part. The Universe will provide the opportunities, but you need to see them through.
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