Long-Term Narcissistic Abuse Can Cause Brain Damage

The effects of psychological and narcissistic abuse come with many devastating consequences, but there are two that almost no one knows about–unless they’re a doctor or neuroscientist. In fact, these two outcomes may be the most destructive result of emotional trauma over the long-term and is an added reason why–if […]

Where You Zodiac Sign Should Travel To For The Best Time Ever

We have analysed the traits and interests of the 12 star signs and matched each zodiac to their perfect holiday destination. So what travel adventures are written in the stars for you? Have a look at our illustrations below to find out, and start planning your holiday. Aquarius (20th Jan-18th […]

5 Signs You’re Having a True Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening takes place in all different shapes, sizes, and forms. Some people experience an awakening, also known as enlightenment, suddenly and without warning, often without even aiming to achieve it. For others, such enlightenment comes more slowly.Building over years with hard work and lots of effort thrown into the […]